The Cheat Code to Blogging: SEO

6 min readDec 24, 2021



After taking multiple online blogging classes I have finally found an affordable SEO course worth my money. It’s one of the few online blogging classes I’ve found remarkably helpful.

In my opinion, this would be an ideal SEO course for beginners to study. In this post, I will be answering all your “Not Your Average SEO Course” questions.

I know your time is valuable so, do not hesitate to use the table of contents below to find the answers to your specific questions quickly.

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Who is NYA blogging course for?

The Not Your Average SEO Course is for anyone wanting to learn how to boost your online traffic without social media. This is one of the most informative online blogging classes I have completed.

This course is very SEO beginner friendly. Search engine optimization used correctly can not only increase your website traffic, but also drive new readers (or customers) to your site.

Is this a course for beginners? Would I learn anything new?

If you already consider yourself an expert in search engine optimization, then I’m not sure this is the ideal course for you. However there’s always something new to learn, right?

This course is incredibly beginner friendly. Without a doubt, I wish I would have found a course this detailed when I first started blogging. According to Semrush, SEO should show results within six to twelve months of being implemented.

Who is this course not for?

One of my favorite sayings is “Everything isn’t for everybody, and that’s okay.” Online blogging courses are not excluded from this mindset.

This course may not be for you if you are looking for:

  • specific ideas on how to make money
  • instructions on how to start or set up a website/blog
  • tips on how to grow your social media
  • turkey leg recipes

So, yes I added the last bullet point just to make sure I still had your attention. Just to be clear you will not be learning any delicious turkey leg recipes in the NYA SEO course; but if you’re a fan of turkey legs I suggest you visit this restaurant.

An overview of the contents of Not Your Average SEO Course

The first thing you should know is that this is a self paced SEO course. For someone like me self paced is always ideal. I love having the option of revisiting the course to study any updates or changes made.

The NYA SEO Course is divided into text content, short quizzes, videos, and digital worksheets. Once enrolled you will gain access to the course Facebook group where you can interact with Sarah and other students enrolled.

At this time Sarah offers one on one services for anyone that needs additional help throughout the course. I’ve had to ask clarifying questions in the group here and there, but honestly everything that I needed to know is in the course.

What will you learn?

You will learn the essential components of SEO each blogger should know. Including but not limited to:

  • What is Search Engine Optimization and why it is important
  • In depth instructions and tips on using Google Analytics
  • How to outline your blog posts for efficiency
  • How to find relevant topics to write about
  • Tips on researching keywords to rank for and how to find them
  • On page SEO
  • Off page SEO
  • Affiliate marketing practices
  • Suggestions on using ad networks for your website
  • How to create a media kit

Sarah includes bonus modules in this course after the initial SEO curriculum. My favorite resource in the NYA SEO course is the vocabulary segment of the course. It feels great to finally know what these common blogging terms finally mean.

What makes this course worth buying?

As someone who is a self taught blogger I can confidently say this affordable SEO course is worth your money. I spent my first few years of blogging teaching myself through free blogging resources online such as Moz and the unlimited videos on Youtube.

The course having its curriculum diversified in multiple formats makes it easy to understand. The course being self paced is a benefit because it allows you to revisit the modules as often as needed to remember the content.

If all the free resources online for SEO are ingredients, the NYA SEO course is the recipe. Sarah brings a high level of structure and guidance with her course that free resources all seem to lack.

What to know before taking this course

You do not need to have your blog set up before taking this course; but it surely would help. A lot of the modules in the NYA SEO course are step by step guides. If your website isn’t already set up (not published) you will more than likely need to revisit those segments of the course.

Who is Sarah Chetrit?

I came across Sarah Chetrit on Tiktok while scrolling for blogging tips last year. At the time she didn’t have this course, so I just educated myself via her videos.

After joining her Facebook group and seeing all the knowledge she shared with others I decided she was a trustworthy blogger to learn from.

Sarah has been blogging since 2015. After learning effective blogging techniques she was able to secure a $1,500 blog sponsorship within the first year on her second blog. After just under a year with her second blog, with 27 only published posts, she had 35,000 page views.

For reference, I launched my second blog on September 1, 2020 during a global pandemic. I am currently at about 79,600 total page views for this website.

I previously relied on social media and word of mouth for my blog’s promotion instead of SEO. My issue with blogging over the years hasn’t been gaining traffic, but maintaining it without constant promotion.

Sarah has been a great resource on my journey to learn and actually understand how to implement search engine optimization. At this time she is available twice a week for 45 minutes in the facebook group dedicated to the course. I’ve been able to contact Sarah and get a timely and detailed answer to all of my questions. As someone with ADHD I always have a lot of questions.

The group is organized in a way that allows you to ask specific questions about the course, your blog, and even get feedback from others in the group. Sarah makes a point to celebrate wins and more importantly to ensure you understand all the information provided in the course. She is very personable and knowable which makes for an excellent course instructor.

How much does Not Your Average SEO Course cost?

The course is a one time payment of $149. At this time there is not a payment plan available for the course.

The Not Your Average SEO course is made up of six modules not including all the bonus content included in this course. One of the most popular and highly rated SEO courses available right now costs $497.

There’s a big chance most of your favorite writers have enrolled in this course. I’ve seen an abundance of great reviews, but spending almost $500 of my hard earned taco money on an online course in hopes that it works just was not in my budget at the time.

Compared to other courses I have completed the Not Your Average SEO Course is worth the price. It’s an affordable seo course for beginners that truly gives you the tools you need to be successful.

If you study this course to completion, and implement the recommendations from Sarah, you should see an increase in your traffic and ideally an increase in your earnings. Consequently this course will eventually pay for itself, and add tax as the kids say.

In case you still wondering if this SEO course for beginners is for you; you can read other reviews about this course on the sales page. I just finished the course on August 23, 2021, so it’s still too soon for me to fully see any SEO results quite yet.

Since starting this course in May I now have three blog posts ranking in the top ten on Google for long tailed keywords. I’m not one to brag, but one of blog posts is ranked number 8 right now so color me impressed.

I hope you have found this review helpful. If you have any further questions about this course I encourage you to comment them below. I’m so proud of you for taking the next step in your SEO journey.

Related: How to Start a Blog

You can connect with me on Twitter: alexisstyler

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